Personally in principle, write a post all Thursdays was a very stressful, because many times I was worried about the time that we had to write a certain quantity of words and then write comments to any member of the class. But when I got into it the situation was doing more enjoyable and easily for me.
Undoubtedly I have learned so much with this experience, I think that now I know more vocabulary and maybe I have used more grammatical expressions that before that I didn`t knew, and I sure that I learned reading the blogs of my classmates too. In this respect was very funny reed the comments of our classmates about our own post in ours blogs.
This experience let me improve my English considerably because many topics have been of my interesting. This part of the class was not boring for me. However I believe that I felt many times insecure about that I wrote, and may be ours post could has been checked in a short time then that we wrote that, and of this way we could be more prepared and secures with ourselves in the next publication blog.
In my view the advantages about write each class in ours blogs is a very good method for we learn and improve English, also is an experience where we can to share with others classmates and it let sometimes know more about ourselves.
The disadvantages for me are that in my case I not always was secure about I wrote (I said it before) and in fact sometimes I was very worrying about my post because it was in the “internet” and anyone can read it.
This has been my experience in blogging.