Thursday, July 1, 2010

My Blogging Experience...

Hi! Today is the last post and because that I going to talk you about my Blogging experience during this course.

Personally in principle, write a post all Thursdays was a very stressful, because many times I was worried about the time that we had to write a certain quantity of words and then write comments to any member of the class. But when I got into it the situation was doing more enjoyable and easily for me.

Undoubtedly I have learned so much with this experience, I think that now I know more vocabulary and maybe I have used more grammatical expressions that before that I didn`t knew, and I sure that I learned reading the blogs of my classmates too. In this respect was very funny reed the comments of our classmates about our own post in ours blogs.

This experience let me improve my English considerably because many topics have been of my interesting. This part of the class was not boring for me. However I believe that I felt many times insecure about that I wrote, and may be ours post could has been checked in a short time then that we wrote that, and of this way we could be more prepared and secures with ourselves in the next publication blog.

In my view the advantages about write each class in ours blogs is a very good method for we learn and improve English, also is an experience where we can to share with others classmates and it let sometimes know more about ourselves.

The disadvantages for me are that in my case I not always was secure about I wrote (I said it before) and in fact sometimes I was very worrying about my post because it was in the “internet” and anyone can read it.

This has been my experience in blogging.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

"Ambar" Blog...

Hello! Today I going talk you about a classmate`s blog, I have chosen the blog called “AMBAR”, this belongs to Constanza Perez. She has got twelve posts in total and she has written alls post that we must write each classroom.
Her blog is like she, because is not so bright but either is so simple, is… how we could say… “normal”, without a particular style.
The post that I like best is one that she talked about her initial practice experience at School “República de Alemania” when we wrote about our “favorite photograph” and she chose one where are three smiling boys of this school. I like too this picture because seem a professional photograph without color. And is really very interesting the information that I know about this college thanks to tell us Constanza because now we know that she had a bad experience in this place, she was with bad teachers, difficult students and most of them with a poor quality of life. But the thing that more worries to Constanza are that teachers and personnel of this school are not very committed whit the students.
I think that she should focus on more in grammatical expressions because she writes with simple tenses, but really I don`t know so much about it, then I can`t speak about how she can improve it.
Finally the posts are very interesting, and in general I like her blog.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Ken Robinson`s Conference

Hi today I going to write about the conference of Ken Robinson in February 2006, Monterey, California. He says that creativity is losing interest in the education area but he thinks that creativity is as important as literacy
He criticizes the ways that people considerate the education actually and puts an example that show like today we stigmatize mistakes, then this mistakes are the worst thing you can make. When people see mistakes of this way, they are putting limits to the creative capacities of students and their capacities for innovation because a mistake mean the open of mind to other idea or other way to carry out a situation
I am agree with Ken Robinson, because the most important thing in education is developing the creativity in children since they enter to educative system when they are three or four years old (even before that) until they finish their schools studies.
Now, if he says that the artistic subjects could be more considerate, I think that maths and language are really very important. Maybe the interesting is in the way to learn Scientifics and humanistic subjects because if teachers are creative they can promote a teaching based in developing the creativity, and let children learns of their mistakes.

One of the missions of teacher could be discover the talents of each one of his students and use it to improve the difficulty that they can have to learn a specific subject. For example if a child prefer drawing in class, teacher could learn to read drawing the letters or painting this.
Not only are important the academic abilities, is also important the corporal expressions. For children is very boring attended to school and dedicate only to be sitting and writing all time looking at the blackboard and one can confirm this with the own experience.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

My favourite Photograph ^^

Hi! Today I going to talk you about my favourite photograph, it was taken by my dad during a Christmas Day when I was six years old in 1996. I like this picture because my mother loves it too, it is always in her purse and she put it in the Christmas tree each year. I remember exactly when my dad take it because my brother, my sister and me was very anxious waiting for Santa Claus and we were not wanted to move of the Christmas tree jajaja... then my dad said us that would be a good idea take a photograph because we always was fighting and this day we was playing nicely and wearing our new clothe that mom bought for us for each Christmas.

In the picture is our small Christmas tree that was armed and decorated by we three and our mother and my dad put the play of lights. My sister and I (when we were smaller) always made adornments of decoration and for this year we made angels of paper that mum put in the middle of the tree.

Really is a nice keepsake for me and when my dad gave this photograph to my mom she loved it immediately. Also it brings memories to me of the old house that we had when we lived in Renca. I liked these house so much because it had a big patio and in the back part there had two rooms were my sister and me was all day playing together. Because when I watch this photography I would like have the six years of age that I was for that Christmas.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

My sister... my best friend!!

Hi! Today I am going to talk you about my best friend. Firstly, is need to mention that is very difficult for me speak about one person like my best friend because I haven´t a lot of friends and I don´t accustomed to speak many about me and what I feel. However I have best partners with those who I talk for hours without boring to us and we laugh so much.

If now I have to refer me to a person who I consider my best friend I think that I must choose to my sister. I think that she is the person who knows me more. She is two years minor than me and we are really very united. We have no many things in common, in fact we have a very different personality, but however we always talk about what happen to us, although we fight so much but we always forget our differences and we try to solve our problems. We spend a lot of time talking about ours preoccupations, ours dreams, ours situations of each day and many things more that make of my sister a person very important in my life who really I love.

We have always slept in the same bedroom, this is sometimes not good because we fight for example about what we like show in television or if one like sleep with the ignited light or keep the window open, etc. But we are accustomed to sleep together and it is very funny too.

I don´t like remember about a big argument between us because this has been one or twice but for situations very complicated for my sister and me in our life.

In school time we don´t talk so much because ours timetables are very different and we see ourselves only at night. But in holidays we are always together and she do things that I like and I also do things that she like.

I love my sister and is very difficult for me to imagine my life without her.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Skills in my area of study...

Hi! Today I’m going to talk you about the main skills in my area of study. Firstly, like a future professional education I think that is very important for us be motivated and have real interest in this area. Also is very important develop different skills that let us have a good hold in our pedagogical practice. For example be patient, creative and enthusiastic to attract student’s attention and of this way improve the education, generating students whit wants to learn. This is very important because many times the fail school is connected with the methods of education developed by teachers and a good teacher must be able to recognize the principal problems of student when they are learning.
Other skills we must take into account that are to have always like objective to improve the quality of education being something really necessary today in the educational system and for stimulate the equal of opportunities especially in school that belong at the municipal system.
In my opinion the skills that are inborn by who choose work in this area are the enthusiastic and motivation. Also is inborn (in the career that I study) to have a special connection whit children and be patient…very patient. And skills that are learnt are principally doing connection between the elements of the theory that we learn in the University with the capacity to apply this in the practice, for example to recognize a learning problem.
I think that in the University, we don`t acquired the skill necessaries to be a good professional because this University only are interesting in the investigation area and we hardly ever have subjects that let us develop a good class. Would be appropriate for us have subjects of didactic and first aid.
Finally because all mentioned I believe that I don`t really prepares for my work wise but maybe whit practice I can do it!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

I love my notebook!

The best technological invention for me are the notebook, this machine has been really wonderful for me. My dad bought me a notebook in October, 2009 because I liked it so much and I was all last year saving up money, but it was not enough, then my dad gave me the rest of money I needed. Since I have my notebook I use it all time while I stay at home, and is really very important for me because it lets me do my homework, investigation works, doing social life, download music, videos, etcetera.

Before I had to use a computer in the study room that was used by my sister, my brother and my mother and it was sometimes very complicated, mainly when my brothers and me needed computer to study. Also in winter many times I had to stay in the room sitting in front of the computer doing a work with a blanket and the stove because the hands were frozen to me and I couldn´t write.

However with my notebook I can use it wherever (and where it reaches to receive WiFi signal) and it is a great benefit because I now can stay doing homework or connected to messenger from my bed and at nights I don´t feel cold so much like before.

I like my notebook, it is my prefer technological machine and one that really has changed my life. I love it so much! If I didn´t have it maybe I still would have to hope that my brothers vacate the computer and I hated it.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Iquique, my favourite trip

Hello! Today I am going to talk about my trip at the capital of first region, Iquique. I visit this place this year for the summer holydays in January. This was the first time I travelled by plane, because my dad said that by car it could be really stressful. The fly lasted two hours approximately and it was very exciting for me.
This trip was in family, I went whit my parents, my sister and my brother and we stayed there for a week. In this time we all days went to Cavancha beach. Also we did a motorboat ride to visit a place in the sea where stay the Esmeralda`s rests, sinked during the Naval Combat of Iquique, on May, 21, 1879. We went to shopping three days at ZOFRI, the traditional Frank Zone of Iquique; this is a great commercial center. Here we bought many things like perfumes, electrical appliances, and innovators things to price.
Undoubtedly, my favourite place that I visited in this trip was Pica. Here we did a guided tour to Saltpeter Office Humberstone, declared a National Monument. This is a very interesting place because is great and has got many old buildings, like a hospital, a theater, a nice square, a church, a little museum and the jobs instruments of the working-class. Humberstone is a full history place and really fantastic! I enjoyed so much visiting it.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

"Maria Montessori" a model to follow...

Hi, today I am going to speak about Maria Montessori. She was born on August 31, 1870 in Italy, was physician, educator, philosopher, humanitarian and devout Catholic.
Firstly she study in a technical school to becoming an engineer, then she study biology and finally she was accepted in the Medicine Faculty at University of Rome. In 1986 she was graduated how the first woman doctor in her country.
However she is best known for her philosophy and the Montessori Method of education of children from birth to adolescence. She based her idea in the respect to child and in their learning capacity. Children haven`t be a parent`s reproduction and imperfect teachers but children must be seen like a hope for the humanity, because I admire her.
Montessori Method has been since 1907, when Maria Montessori created the first children’s house in Roma (Italy). The work of Maria Montessori was not only develop a new method of learn, but also discover the life and help to child to achieve his potential like human. And developing this potential through of senses in a prepared environment and using the scientific observation of a trained teacher. Of this Way children have the opportunity of learn and use freedom from of the years of developing.
Finally the education method Montessori is the capacity of teacher to love and respect to children like persons and be sensitive to their needs and her educational method is in use today in a number of public as well as private schools throughout the world.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Chile Education

When I heard speak about Chile Education, I think immediately in the unequal education and in the differences between education acquired in a private school, a municipal school and the subsidized private schools (a kind of school is a private school that receives aid from the government). Were the major difference is the quality of education.
Well, however I think that if in our country the education is compulsory, good education must be a right, not an option that only few children can receive.
I believe that the mains problems we need to solve are connected with the formation of the professionals of the education, and here is our role like a futures teacher. Also I think that is very important the education acquired in the first grades principally at kindergarten or playgroup, where children learn the basic, for example learn how to communicate.
In my own experience, I studied in subsidized private schools during thirteen years, and always in Catholics schools for girls. The education was good, but not excellent because these kinds of establishment prefer to educate in values and spends a lot of time in religion activities.
I don`t know specifically about any projects to considerably improve the Chilean education, however I think that is very pressing to improve the quality of education and offer equal opportunities for who would like access to good superior education.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

My Favourite film: "Legally Blonde"

Hi! Today I am going to speak about my favourite film. This is “Legally Blonde” an American comedy directed by Robert Luketic. I saw this film for the first time when I was twelve years old on 2003, two years after of his premiere.
I remember this film was very exciting for me since beginning until the end because the history of her main character, a bubbly sorority girl, “Elle Woods” was funny in all moment.
I love the complot of this film, Elle, a blonde woman that live in California, is very beautiful, very popular and one of the best in her specialty “fashion design” but her live changes when her boyfriend left her because she is not very seriously for her. In this moment Elle decides to apply for Harvard to become a law student where her boyfriend will be studying the same.
In the University Elle is humiliated for her teacher and for her classmates principally for her aspect. However she never changes her personality and this is that I like. Then Elle demonstrates that is able to resolve a case and her boyfriend admits he underestimated Elle, and wants her back, but Elle rejects him, having come to prefer her new career and don’t like be with a stupid.
Finally the film shows Elle graduates from Harvard and I love this part because she says the importance of believe in yourself.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Today I visited the page . This page offers us many categories to developing diferents activities to learning English.
I chose Quizzes category and the game that I play was Wordmaster. This game is very funny because you can practise your vocabulary; you only have to put the words to fill the blank spaces and finally you will can read the complete sentence.
This game has three levels: easy, medium and difficult and in each one you have to game against the clock because you have to try to achieve the maximize point score. Also you can see the definition about the word and finally you will listen the complete sentence to practise your pronunciation.
This activity was very useful for me because let me learn English practicing vocabulary, expressions in a diversity of sentences, and practice listening that is very difficult for me. I recommend this website for all who like learn English even from the house.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Earthquake in Chile: my own experience

On February 27th 2010 Chile was devastated by a big earth tremor causing commotion and worry in all country. The first reports tell us about the epicenter in Eighth Region (Bio Bio) with 8.8 grades. However the damages caused by this movement left people in street and without houses from Center Zone until country`s South.
I my own experience I considered me very fortunate because my house not suffered damages, only came down a wall.
In the movement moment I was sleeping but I awaked immediately when my mother started to shout. While I came down the stairs I sew like the things was falling: books, pictures, my guitar, glass, plates, and very things more. Since this day until all March I was sleeping down on first floor with my mother.
Then of earthquake I was without water and light by a complete week. And in the commune where I live, Quilicura, many people was sacking because many neighbors cannot sleep looking after ours houses doing bonfires while we was without light.
This was clearly the greater shock of my life, and even though has happened several days. Too I´m very afraid and I now live thinking what can happen tomorrow?

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Hello teacher! My name is Pamela Ramirez I`m 19 years old and I`m studyng playgroup assistant and elementary teaching , second year in the Social Sciences Faculty.
This career interesting me because I like work whit children and I would like show at the society the importance of kindergarten for children because this grade prepares they for the followig school years, here they meet new friends and lear how to comunicate.
Also this career let me develop the creative and investigative area.
My expectations for this class are be able to keep a conversation and learn gramatical expression.