Thursday, May 6, 2010

"Maria Montessori" a model to follow...

Hi, today I am going to speak about Maria Montessori. She was born on August 31, 1870 in Italy, was physician, educator, philosopher, humanitarian and devout Catholic.
Firstly she study in a technical school to becoming an engineer, then she study biology and finally she was accepted in the Medicine Faculty at University of Rome. In 1986 she was graduated how the first woman doctor in her country.
However she is best known for her philosophy and the Montessori Method of education of children from birth to adolescence. She based her idea in the respect to child and in their learning capacity. Children haven`t be a parent`s reproduction and imperfect teachers but children must be seen like a hope for the humanity, because I admire her.
Montessori Method has been since 1907, when Maria Montessori created the first children’s house in Roma (Italy). The work of Maria Montessori was not only develop a new method of learn, but also discover the life and help to child to achieve his potential like human. And developing this potential through of senses in a prepared environment and using the scientific observation of a trained teacher. Of this Way children have the opportunity of learn and use freedom from of the years of developing.
Finally the education method Montessori is the capacity of teacher to love and respect to children like persons and be sensitive to their needs and her educational method is in use today in a number of public as well as private schools throughout the world.


  1. hi Pame:
    I don`t know really much about María Montessori, but for the comments in the class I really like to learn the methodology of to teach that she invented.
    Well done!!
    See you.

  2. Maria Montessori is for me a big expert too, the foundation montesori in chile are a Wonderful Community
    this college are excelent

  3. Hello Pamela! congratulations about your work... you know that I don't know a lot of her and I don't like so much "Montessori Schools" but I expect that the good things of her method will be used in the education, for improve this!!!

    kisses for you!


  4. Maria Montessori... wow..! is a great character! I think that Maria is very importante in our discipline and is to support for our practise, methodology of education, etc...
    See you... ;)

  5. Good choice Pamela!

    I come from a school with that name (Montessori), but it's not apply the methodology of Maria Montessori =(

    bye Pamela!
